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Hanoi's Dialysis Patients: A Circle of Hope

Ha Noi (Viet Nam) - If one does not die from the illness, they might die from loneliness - a reality lived daily by kidney patients in Hanoi's Dialysis Alley.

Endless dialysis cycle

121 Le Thanh Nghi Alley, a neighborhood located near Bach Mai Hospital, is home to over 100 dialysis patients. These individuals suffer from various kidney-related conditions. The hardships they face include the need for regular dialysis treatments, which can be not only time-consuming but also physically draining. Additionally, the financial burden of ongoing medical expenses is also a significant challenge for many of them.

Regular dialysis treatments in Bach Mai Hospital (photo by The Resonance)

[LIFE GOES ON AT THE DIALYSIS NEIGHBORHOOD] Endless dialysis cycle (video by The Resonance)

The residents, from young to old, men and women, with diverse backgrounds and life experiences, coexist within the confines of a shared space. However, despite their backgrounds and stories, there exists a unifying thread of hardship—they all grapple with the relentless grip of the same kidney condition.

The daily life of kidney patients (photo by The Resonance)

The daily life of kidney patients is incredibly challenging. Mr. Tran Van Tang, an elderly patient who has been undergoing kidney dialysis for 20 years, shares that the primary challenge lies in mobility issues, followed by financial constraints for medical treatment and sustenance. He relies on the support of his family, siblings, and friends to navigate these difficulties. Beyond the material struggles, Mr. Tran Van Tang also endures constant physical pain from needle injections throughout the day and night.

Mr. Tran Van Tang shares his stories (photo by The Resonance)

Mrs. Vu Thi Mai, an 18-year dialysis patient, shares her mental distress due to the absence of family members, requiring her to confront the illness on her own. To make a living, covering rent, meals, and medication expenses, she runs a small street vendor selling ice-tea and other items.

Mrs. Vu Thi Mai shares her stories (photo by The Resonance)

Love is all around

However, life may be tough for these individuals, it unfolds with a unique resilience about the relationship among them. Despite the challenges that come with health conditions, there is still an inspiring positivity that resonates within their community.

In a small room, they live together and share the joys (photo by The Resonance)

These individuals find themselves in a bond that goes beyond mere neighbors; they are companions in a journey marked by difficulties. They come together, not to dwell in despair, but to share their joys. 

Living with an illness like this is no momentary struggle; it is a continuous time marked by perseverance. Some have gone through this journey for 7, 10, or even 20 years. Therefore, this shared experience led them into a strong, close community. Remarkably, dialysis patients often find themselves with no other relatives besides their fellow residents. They have become each other's family, sharing a unique understanding of the trials and tribulations that accompany dialysis treatments.

“Whenever I feel tired or unwell, the entire neighborhood comes here to check on me. People offer support, medication, or even accompany me to the hospital. Honestly, in this neighborhood, if we are talking about compassion, everyone values and cares for each other deeply. It is a place where people truly look out for and cherish one another.”  - Mrs. Vu Thi Mai shared.

“People often mistake my roomate and I for father and son, but he is actually my Nam Dinh compatriot. If he has a stomachache or any issues at night, he can just call us and we will immediately bring him to the hospital before informing his family.” said Mr. Tang. “A stranger nearby is better than a faraway relative” - he laughed.

Mr. Tang sharing his stories (photo by The Resonance)

Mr. Mai Anh Tuan - the community leader (photo by The Resonance)

“Mr. Tuan, who is a very passionate person for the village, connects many organizations and sponsors to come and encourage the patients.” Beyond neighborly love, charitable groups add a compassionate touch into the residents’ lives.

The residents’ smile (photo by The Resonance)

Moreover, Mrs. Tao also sent her greetings: “Wishing everyone good health, joy, and unity to overcome the challenging illness. Maintain your well-being to undergo daily treatments at the hospital successfully.”

Mrs. Phan Thi Tao shared her wishes with a smile (photo by The Resonance)

Life, for the residents of this dialysis patient neighborhood, is still filled with laughter and hope. Despite the physical toll that their conditions take, these individuals find reasons to smile, share a joke, and nurture a sense of hope that extends beyond the confines of their medical challenges. Their ability to find joy in the midst of adversity is a testament to the indomitable human spirit that prevails in the face of life-altering circumstances. Their relentless spirit urges us to never give up against life's hardships: "Where there is a will, there is a way".

[LIFE GOES ON AT THE DIALYSIS NEIGHBORHOOD] Love is all around (video by The Resonance)

"Typically, in the early stages of kidney disease, the condition does not cause symptoms because the kidneys have good compensatory ability. By the time symptoms appear, the kidney disease has already reached a later stage. Kidney disease is gradually becoming younger due to the unhealthy lifestyle of young people.

According to healthcare experts' recommendations, everyone should undergo regular health check-ups twice a year because every 6 months there can be significant changes in health and diseases can arise at any time."

Do you experience any of the following symptoms of kidney disease?

  • 0%Fatigue and weakness

  • 0%Swelling and pain in the leg area

  • 0%Frequent nausea and vomiting

  • 0%Unusual color and odor in urine

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4 comentários

Linh Do
Linh Do
20 de dez. de 2023



Trần Bách
Trần Bách
19 de dez. de 2023

I was deeply moved by this article..


Thanh Van Tran
Thanh Van Tran
19 de dez. de 2023

Reading this touched my heart😭


19 de dez. de 2023

It's incredible how resilient these individuals are in the face of such challenges. I was deeply moved by this article.

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